Brandon Accuses Oil Companies of Price Gouging in Latest Strange Statement

Andrew Anglin November 1, 2022

Biden: "The most common price of gas in America is $3.39, down from over $5 when I took office."

The price of gas was $2.33 when Joe Biden took office.

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 27, 2022

Oh, so now we’re at war?

Brandon said we’re not at war, now he’s like “oh well, we’re at war.”

What a dumb sonovabitch.

Sunova bitch.

Say Narva Butch.


US President Joe Biden has vowed to impose new taxes to restrain the “excess profits” of American oil companies, insisting they must help lower prices for consumers, while accusing them of reaping undue benefits from the conflict in Ukraine.

The president took the oil industry to task during an address on Monday, speaking alongside Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and Treasury head Janet Yellen. He argued that companies have seen “profits so high it’s hard to believe” since fighting erupted in Eastern Europe earlier this year, and must start acting beyond their “narrow self-interest.”

“Oil companies’ record profits today are not because they’re doing something new or innovative. Their profits are a windfall of war – the windfall from the brutal conflict that’s ravaging Ukraine and hurting tens of millions of people around the globe,” he said, adding that they have “a responsibility to act in the interest of their consumers, their community, and their country.”

“If they don’t, they’re going to pay a higher tax on their excess profits and face other restrictions. My team will work with Congress to look at these options that are available to us… It’s time for these companies to stop war profiteering.”

The president went on to note the significant earnings reported this year by oil giants like Shell and Exxon, with the former company recently announcing $9.5 billion in profit for the third quarter of 2022, almost doubling what it made during the same period last year. Exxon, meanwhile, said it brought in $18.7 billion in profits the last quarter, “nearly triple what Exxon made last year and the most in its 152-year history,” Biden said. “It’s never made that much profit.”

So much for oil companies controlling the government. Oil companies might be the only corporations that don’t control the government.

The government is controlled by big wind.

You will never be white, Big Wind.

If we get on Twitter, Big Wind, I’m coming for you.

You should go back to your shithole, buddy.


Go back.

We’ve had it up to here with your “commentary.” We do not want you in our country, Big Wind.

Amazon endorses you.

Brandon could make a lot of money by taxing sign language people. They’re everywhere.

Ticketmaster’s scam fees now cost as much as 78% of a ticket. The company controls the events, the venues, even the artists and it’s destroying live music.

Today, Joe Biden announced he will crack down on outrageous processing fees, like the ones on concert tickets.

— More Perfect Union (@MorePerfectUS) October 26, 2022

Seriously though, you’re not going to tax your way out of this. High taxes are just going to make everything worse.

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