Brandon Nearly Falls Off the Stage in the Middle of a Speech

Andrew Anglin November 7, 2022

Joe Biden falls off the damn stage.

What a clown show.

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 7, 2022

The mystery man known as Brandon – a very wacky figure indeed – nearly fell off the stage while shilling his agenda in New York. The disgruntled old man was rambling about prescription drugs and he was pacing and nearly went over the edge.

Catching himself before tumbling over he said: “whoops! Steppin’ on ’em! It’s blag! Anyway.”

He could have literally died if he hadn’t caught himself. He almost died crashing his bike.

The man is top-heavy!

His people are going to have to remind him to remain near the podium. It’s not safe for him to go a wandering.

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