Breitbart is Still Calling Ye an “Anti-Semite”

Andrew Anglin October 30, 2022

Breitbart is still calling Ye an “anti-Semite.”

It’s incredible that these morons finally have the chance to make their “black Republicans” dream come true, and they are rejecting the whole thing out of hand because they don’t want to hear about the Jewish problem.

I have said repeatedly that neo-Nazis don’t care about white people and their only goal is to protect women from criticism. So-called “cuckservatives” are in a similar situation, where they do not actually care about electing Republicans, and are only concerned about protecting the sickening blood-drinking Jews.

If you want to win, you have to go all in. You can’t say “oh, I believe in the right-wing, but I also have to protect these leftist ideals about [women and/or Jews].”

The conservatives now have an opportunity not only to appeal to the blacks, but also to talk about the Jew issue without being condemned as evil Nazis. Ye is not a Nazi. He is actually black.

In theory, conservatives have only ever been concerned about the optics of talking about the Jews, and have avoided the topic because they don’t want to be called names. But in reality, they are actually controlled by the Jews and are therefore obsessed with protecting the Jews.

It’s disgusting. These people are repulsive.

No one actually cares about getting anything done other than me, Nick Fuentes, and Ye.

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