Censoring Jews Mock Trump-Supporters for “Falling for” Fake Statement About Twitter

Andrew Anglin October 28, 2022

This fake Donald Trump post was circulating last night after the Elon Musk assault on Twitter:

Frankly, it more or less looks like Trump’s style. I don’t think the last sentence is something he would say, but it’s believable.

However, it was fake.

The Jew media is mocking people for “falling for it.”

The Daily Beast, which is a sickening Jew publication, said “hook, line & sinker,” as if everyone who thought the post was real is some gullible moron.

But why did people think the post was real?

Well, because they have no way of verifying it, because Donald Trump is banned from everything. I personally have no idea where these statements get posted. I have looked several times on Donald Trump’s website, and can’t find the “statements” section.

The reason people thought the post was real is that, due to censorship, they have no way of looking it up. What the media is saying in mocking the goyim for being “duped” is that the censorship is working. This is like stomping on someone’s face and then saying “hahahaha, you idiot – you’re bleeding all over the place! Stop bleeding, ya dumb idiot!”

This is all about to change very quickly. Despite the fact that this statement is fake, it sounds about right to me that Donald Trump will be returning to Twitter on Monday. He might even return this weekend.

The account is still officially “suspended” at time of writing.

But Elon has confirmed he’s unbanned, and allowed to return whenever. Probably, Elon has a call in to Trump and wants to officially welcome him back.

Enjoy the gloating while you can, Jews. Come next week, you’re not going to be gloating anymore.

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