Drag Queen Story Time Protesters Clash With Supporters of Child Abuse Outside Oregon Pub

Elvis Dunderhoff October 26, 2022

Alot of anti-pedophiles protesting at The Old Nick in Eugen, Oregon. The pro-pedophile drag queen groomers are featuring an 11 year old girl. pic.twitter.com/6cHiCazIFd

— D. Scott @eclipsethis2003 (@eclipsethis2003) October 24, 2022

Things are getting heated outside Old Nick’s Pub in Eugene, Oregon this morning and it’s blocking the road.

People are apparently protesting the pub’s “Drag Queen Storytime,” while counter-protestors are calling them “fascists” and “Nazis.” pic.twitter.com/VJRi9DdRqq

— Mojo Hill (@mojohill22) October 23, 2022

Breaking: Controversy has erupted after Old Nick's Pub in Eugene, Ore. announced a drag queen event on Oct 23 featuring an 11-year-old. Adults often send the child money on CashApp & Venmo. The child's parent is also a drag performer & was Ms Gay Oregon XX.https://t.co/3A1S9TwBrL pic.twitter.com/NQgrC3nD37

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) October 18, 2022

Aw, shit.

Here we go again.

New York Post:

Armed protesters and counter-protesters clashed outside a drag queen storytime event at an Oregon pub over the weekend.

More than 300 demonstrators hurled rocks and smoke grenades at each other outside Old Nick’s Pub in Eugene as a group gathered inside to read a story.

The pub was the latest target of LGBTQ+ hate after right-wing personalities complained about an 11-year-old drag performer called Vanellope who was expected to perform.

Authorities said the crowd lobbed rocks and some smoke bombs at one another before police shut the event down, according to the Register Guard.

Some protestors in the crowd came to the event for small children armed with semi-automatic rifles, officials added.

Drag queen storytime events have recently and increasingly become the target of anti-LGBTQ rhetoric across the country, though the events have been happening since 2015.

Opponents claim that the program in which flamboyant performers dressed in vibrant drag outfits read storybooks to children is detrimental to kids.

Organizers, however, said the protests against the events have been terrifying and endangering the performers as well as children.

The child drag queen did not perform at Sunday’s event and was instead celebrated as the event’s guest of honor.

People who want to sexually molest little kids do not have morals and they are obsessed. They’re not just going to stop because you complained.

Today in Eugene, Oregon: Proud Boys, literal Nazis, & other Far Right thugs tried to menace a Drag Queen Story Hour. They brandished knives, sprayed bear (pepper) spray, & shot paint balls at the counter-protest. They were met by hundreds of people who chased them off and away. https://t.co/OiiQyansLE

— New York City Antifa (@NYCAntifa) October 23, 2022

To solve this problem, there is going to have to be some kind of government solution, i.e., “procuring children for sexual molestation under the guise of being a persecuted homosexual is against the law.”

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