Kyrie Rolls Hard – No Apology for Alex Jones Clip About Secret Societies Controlling the World

Andrew Anglin October 31, 2022

Kyrie Irving gets into a back-and-forth with a journalist over his Instagram post of a 90s Alex Jones clip about secret societies.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) October 30, 2022

Kyrie Irving is probably the most Based Black Guy this side of Based Black Guy Prime Ye himself.

At a press conference over the weekend, some whining Jew journalist was harassing him about posting an Alex Jones clip to instagram.

I don’t have instagram and I’m not going to get it, but it was a clip from the 1990s about secret societies.

We would all like to see Kyrie come out and support Ye in his brave crusade, and it’s clear that Kyrie is one of the only people who would. He is the anti-LeBron.

By the way, it’s not just white people who hate that whiny house nigger LeBron – blacks hate him as well, and are also sick of his whining. Also, both races like Kyrie, because he fights for freedom. He was one of the only black sportsballers who refused to take the vax and said he refused to take it (I doubt any of them took it, but most of them pretended like they did – including that house nigger LeBron, who is whiny like a gay).

It’s time for Ye to start putting pressure on other blacks to come out for him.

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