Spain: Vegan Supremacists Glue Themselves to Paintings to Demand Sacrifices for Climate God

Elvis Dunderhoff November 6, 2022

Climate activists glued their hands to paintings by Francisco Goya at the Prado Museum in hopes of raising awareness of climate change.

The museum, which is in Madrid, said the artwork was not damaged, and that they reject endangering cultural heritage as a means of protest.

— CBS News (@CBSNews) November 5, 2022

What is the message of these painting gluers? Is it really just “you care about paintings, but you don’t care about my ass getting very sweaty from the hot weather”?

It’s not clear what relationship paintings have to global warming.


Climate activists glued their hands to the frames of two world-famous paintings by Spanish master Francisco de Goya in Madrid’s Prado museum on Saturday, the latest in a string of protests targeting artworks across Europe.

A man and a woman attached themselves to Goya’s “La Maja Vestida” (The Clothed Maja) and his “La Maja Desnuda” (The Naked Maja), and painted “+1.5 C” on the wall between the two works, video footage showed.

Campaign group Futuro Vegetal said its members carried out the protest.

“Last week the UN recognised the impossibility of keeping us below the limit of 1.5 Celsius (set in the 2016 Paris climate agreement). We need change now,” it wrote on Twitter.

Imagine that we are dealing with “rebellious action in defense of the UN.”


Nos pegamos a “Las Majas” de Goya en el Museo Del Prado.

La semana pasada la ONU reconocía la imposibilidad de mantenernos por debajo del límite de aumento del Acuerdo de París de 1.5° de temperatura media respecto a los niveles preindustriales.

— FuturoVegetal (@FuturoVegetal) November 5, 2022

🛑 Nuestras compañeras han sido detenidas.

Nos han llamado desde comisaría y dicen q están bien. Las despegaron usando un disolvente y las han detenido a la espera de que pasen a disposición judicial.

Necesitamos tu apoyo para dar cobertura a Alba y Sam

— FuturoVegetal (@FuturoVegetal) November 5, 2022

They really wrote 1.5 degrees on the wall.

This is a vegan supremacist group that wants to stop cows from farting.

¿Sabéis por qué nos pegamos al cuadro? Porque nuestro estado promueve una actividad #ecocida ⤵️

— FuturoVegetal (@FuturoVegetal) November 6, 2022

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