Stock Photo Site Explicitly Bans Pro-Lifers from Using Photos of Unborn Babies

Snake Baker November 1, 2022

Not quite the clump of cells I was expecting

This is how they get you – it’s in the fine print.

Daily Caller:

Science Photo Library, a website that features scientific and medical images and videos, stipulates that an image of a 10-week-old unborn baby is not to be used by pro-lifers in its description.

The London-based photo website features a picture of a “Human foetus in amniotic sac at ten weeks” and stipulates that it is “not for use by pro-life (or similar) organisations.”

A spokesperson for the website told the Daily Caller that the individual photographers make decisions about who to restrict from using certain photos. Lennart Nilsson, the photographer of the 10-week-old fetus, who died in 2017, was reportedly “shocked” when he learned that his famous pictures of unborn babies were used by pro-life activists to prove the personhood of a fetus.

“It is rare but not unusual to find images in our collection with restrictions: for example the tobacco and arms industries are two that come to mind.

Imagine thinking that a baby is not really a baby.

What does it mean even?

But it doesn’t even stop there. They’re not just saying they don’t believe a “fetus” is a person, they’re saying you can’t believe that. You’re not allowed. By decree of women, you’re not allowed.

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