Ye Somehow Back on Instagram, Posting Love Speech

Andrew Anglin October 27, 2022

It’s not clear how, but Ye is back on instagram and he is posting love speech.

He responded to that ratty Jew Ari Emmanuel, who ordered Adidas and others to cut ties. He said he lost 2 billion dollars in one day, which is the same number the media is giving. He said that the people is who he is.

He is the people. I know that because I am a person and I AM YE.

He is the leader now of all non-Jews. There are only two teams, and that is Team Ye and Team Blood-Guzzling Jew Psychopathic Killer.

Ye said: I put my life on this, bro.

And he did exactly that.

He could have backed down and kept his Adidas contracts and he didn’t and the only reason he is doing this is because it is the right thing to do. There is no other reason anyone would do what he is doing other than that they believe in Jesus and believe that Jesus will judge them when they die.

I put my life on this a long time ago, and now I put my life on Ye. He is the leader. No one has done what he’s done. The more I learn the more I realize that this is all about God. It is a spiritual war because Christ and the Devil, and that means Christians vs. the Jews. The Jews are satan’s chosen people.

The fact that a black man is the only prominent person in the world who is willing to stand up to these devils is proof of God’s sense of humor. Honestly, I don’t like black people generally, but it doesn’t bother me at all that my leader is now a black man. I was always judging blacks on the content of their character. Ye is a Christian, and I judge him on his character.

I believe he will be president some day. I will support him in whatever he does.

Frankly, I’d like to get a call with him. There were some problems with the Lex Fridman interview. I’m going to write about it, probably tomorrow, but the short story is that he is not generalizing the problem enough, and Fridman was able to make it seem like he’s just angry about Jews in the music industry ripping him off. That doesn’t make any sense, given that he’s willing to sacrifice billions of dollars to go against them (which is presumably a lot more than the Jews ripped him off for). But to make this efficient, he needs some soundbytes about Jewish involvement in a wide array of things.

He mentions Jews running the Obama and Trump White Houses through the chief-of-staff, he mentions Jewish sexual values and the Jewish values of abortion and so on, he’s mentioned Soros and Zelensky. But while Fridman didn’t succeed with his emotional manipulation, he was still able to succeed in making it look like Ye is just mad about personal stuff. This doesn’t really mean anything, given that the masses of people at least vaguely aware that Jews run the entertainment industry, and aware they are constantly accused of ripping people off – especially black people.

I know that he knows that this is a whole lot bigger than Jew lawyers and talent agents, he just needs a few more concise soundbytes that I’d like to help him work through. It’s like bro, you lost 2 billion, gimmie 20 minutes so you can get your money’s worth. But I’ve failed to get ahold of him thus far, so I’m gonna go ahead and write an open letter.

He also posted a funny.

He might not be quite as funny as Donald Trump (that’s not saying much since Donald Trump is presumably the funniest person who ever lived), but he definitely makes me lol. The humor is, interestingly, similar to that of Trump. They are both larger than life personalities who base their humor on self-parody (you have to be larger than life to be capable of self-parody).

It’s so great that he’s in good spirits after losing $2 billion. When Bitcoin went down, I lost like $2,000 and just about went full vaxie (that’s a convoluted joke about having a heart attack or stroke).

Giving him back his instagram is wild.

I assume that the Jews figured out that canceling him from everything was starting to look ridiculous. They are claiming to be powerless victims. That is their absolute claim. Anyone can see this does not make any sense, and you can see everywhere on the internet that people who have never thought about Jew power before are saying “well, he’s obviously right that they control everything, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to shut him down like this.”

This clip from a Jew comedian is funny:

Jewish comedian notices that Kanye just did a kamikaze jiu-jitsu on the Jewish system and make it expose itself

— KKKurt Cobain (@chudmaxxing) October 27, 2022

But instagram can’t let him stay, so it’s just going to be a ban again. There is zero chance he’s not going to talk about the Jews. It would actually be strategic to hold down the fort on instagram and then find other platforms to discuss the Jews, but he’s not going to do that and they have to know he’s not going to do that so all it means is that they’re going to have to ban him again.

If they wanted to let him keep something, they should have let him keep Adidas. They definitely should have let him keep his school – it is just lunacy closing down his private Christian school. Everyone sees that this is just nasty and hateful.

Here’s One of the Funniest Things I’ve Seen in a While

Fox 11 LA ran a segment yesterday entitled “Impact of Kanye West’s Apparent Hatred of Jews.”

That is the funniest headline I’ve ever seen in my life.

It’s an apparent hatred!

He says it’s not hatred, but the hatred is apparent!

This is so idiotic. This whole saga is more invigorating to me than even the 2016 election, but it’s also making me dumber. Watch the Lex Fridman interview. Ye is so nice to this rat. He literally offers him a job. He’s posting that he love Ari Emmanuel.

No one is buying that Ye hates anyone. Seriously, even the women who believe everything can’t possibly believe this. He’s the nicest guy. He loves everyone. He’s a black guy who wants to help white people. He is pure love.

Jews are the ones filled with hatred. These people are absurd. They destroy people’s lives. They will destroy your family and then screw your wife. They will get your kids names tattooed on their necks, implying they’re molesting them.

These Jews literally enshrine in law their belief that they’re allowed to kill non-Jews.

Read The King’s Torah – or at least read about it.


In 2009, he published a book (The King’s Torah) in which he writes that it is permissible for Jews to kill non-Jews (including children). The book states “There is a reason to kill babies [on the enemy side] even if they have not transgressed the seven Noahide Laws because of the future danger they may present, since it is assumed that they will grow up to be evil like their parents.” They can be killed indirectly to put pressure on enemy leaders, or if they are “in the way”. They can also be harmed if they “prevent a rescue, because their presence contributes to murder”. He also writes that children of the king can be harmed to pressure him if he is wicked and harming them will prevent him from acting wickedly. He adds that “it is better to kill one pursuing another to murder him, than to kill others.” The book was distributed by Yeshivat HaRaayon HaYehudi in Jerusalem, which adheres to the ideas of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane.

Look up the Noahide Laws – this is central to Judaism, and it is centered on the belief that Jews should rule the world and force everyone to submit to them under a series of laws. Then they say that after they’ve enslaved you, they can kill you without consequence even if you’re following their orders.

And why do they need to explicitly state that they can kill babies? Is that what abortion is, I wonder?

What kind of hatred is this? This is an extremist hatred that is unique to the Jews. No one other than the Jews thinks they should just be allowed to kill people from other races, and for that matter, for all this talk of “supremacy,” no other race believes they should enslave and rule over all other races. This is simply obscene. The Jew beliefs are an outrage.

I wish Ye would have told Lex: “tell me about the Noahide Laws. You think we’re all your slaves?” Seriously, if you can just get people to search “Noahide Laws” that is going to change everything. Even politically correct people are going to be offended by the total claim by the Jews that they are going to enslave the whole world and force us to follow slave rules – and then maybe just go ahead and kill us and our babies anyway.

By the way, the symbol of the Noahide Laws is the rainbow – and this predates the use of the Rainbow by homosexuals. That certainly adds a bit more perspective to the fact that the anal flag is the flag of the global empire, no?

If you actually look at this stuff, then what Hitler did becomes a whole lot more reasonable. For the record, I don’t think Hitler gassed any Jews and I do not argue for them to be gassed. But rounding them up and ejecting them from the country is not especially outrageous. Even if you don’t agree with that, if you understand the actual beliefs of the Jews and how they act on these beliefs, you can understand why someone would want to do that.

This “hate” talk is just completely dumb. It is braindeath level material. Ye is going easy. I wouldn’t have been that respectful to Lex Fridman when he was whining like a faggot about muh hologram.

Things are tough all over, Jew. If you think people are trying to gas you, go live in Israel. You were never invited here. We want you to leave. We want to keep Ye, and we want you to go. This is the will of the people.

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